3 essentials for summer outdoor adventures!

Summer is here! Here’s a list of 3 essentials for healthy summer outdoor adventures:

1. A glass or stainless steel water bottle.  A re-usable water bottle helps the environment and keeps kids hydrated.  You will also avoid excessive bisphenol A (BPA) exposure from plastic water bottles that are left sitting in the hot sun for too long.  BPA is a hormone disrupter and linked to cancer.  Add some lemon, lime, cucumber or berries to your water to keep it fresh and tasty!

2. A natural sunscreen with zinc oxide as the active ingredient for preventing exposure to harmful UV rays.  Check out the Environmental Working Group’s 2015 Guide to Sunscreens to see where your sunscreen ranks in terms of safety and effectiveness.  Remember to reapply after swimming and don’t forget the ears, hands and feet! Check out my post on the ABC’s of Skin Cancer Prevention.

3. A natural essential oil bug spray.  Bug bites can lead to unpleasant itching and discomfort.  Prevent them with these Essential oils!

Image purchased from www.dreamstime.com

Image purchased from http://www.dreamstime.com

The ABC’s of skin cancer prevention

Check out my latest blog post for the Ottawa Mommy Club:

The ABC’s of skin cancer prevention



Looking for natural, chemical free sunscreen this summer?

Are you looking for natural, chemical free sunscreen this summer?

Check out the Environmental Working Group’s Guide to Safer Sunscreens!

You can also check out my friend Amanda’s company Hali’s Essentials. Order online or visit her every Sunday at the Brewer Park Farmer’s Market.

Amanda’s sunscreen contains zinc oxide as the active ingredient to protect the skin from the sun. Her product is non-greasy and also smells delicious! I highly recommend it and supporting this local Ottawa business 🙂

Happy Summer!